Through its wholly owned professionals, veterans, graduates and academy brands and an increasing number of global partnerships, Rochdale based CySec Professionals Ltd enables opportunity, education and inspiration to existing and future cybersecurity professionals, globally.
Since it’s inception, a large focus of CySec Professionals Ltd is social good. Over the last few years the company has have sent coding books to primary schools throughout the UK, have sponsored the local cricket club and have sponsored the local angling club.
It has also provided free and discount training to underprivileged and underrepresented individuals, globally, who perhaps otherwise would not have had the opportunity. This obviously includes military and law-enforcement veterans and graduates in line with its brands. As a veteran himself, Steven Cockcroft, Founder and Owner of CySec Professionals Ltd is proud to support fellow veterans and help those seeking their first foot on the career ladder. The feedback received makes it all worthwhile.
The world needs more individuals who understand the business of cybersecurity risk management.
CySec Professionals Ltd, through its global communities, enables this. Ultimately cybersecurity is about protecting the society we live in. The social value initiative recently delivered in partnership the North West Cyber Resilience Centre and students from local universities, was a natural extension of CySec Professionals Ltd work to support others.
CySec Professionals Ltd personal and workforce development pathways are all aligned to the UK Cyber Security Council 16 Specialisms. CySec Professionals Ltd is one of the early members of the Council and they are happy to support the Councils ambitions. They are doing some great work to support the cyber community and bring about much needed change.
Put simply, global increases in legal, regulatory and contractual requirements are driving demand for those with NIST Cybersecurity Framework competence. The NCSP® program was created to enable this individual and organisational competence. The program is accredited by APMG International, is NCSC Assured Training and is listed as approved cyber training by the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency in the USA.
Since it’s launch in early 2018, the program has been adopted globally by governments, public sector, financial sector, consultancies, defence, defence supply chain and healthcare organisations to name a few. Individuals globally are also adopting the training as a means of increasing their competence and future employment prospects. CySec Professionals Ltd has global visibility of the organisations adopting the program and related opportunity for individuals seeking to enter of progress within the profession. The opportunity is huge.
The amount of social value created. Provision of quality education was a given. Employment outcomes for all were, to some degree a given, although the salaries achieved by participants exceeded expectations and ranged from circa £35,000.00 for the university graduates through to £100,000.00+ (package) for one law-enforcement veteran.
Social value created was tracked by an independent company and returned an attributable £6.21 for every £1.00 invested for CySec Professionals Ltd.
Overall, considering the North West Cyber Resilience Centre input and that of the students universities, the return was £18.63 for every £1.00 invested. A great outcome for all individuals and organisations concerned and of course Manchester.
CySec Professionals Ltd have now launched a Social Value Partnership scheme for governments and organisations seeking to enable the future of our profession, their future employees. The nature of the program means it can be delivered anywhere, globally.
They are eager to speak with organisations and governments who are seeking to partner with them. The requirements for cybersecurity professionals are not decreasing! We can enable the next generation of employees with the skills they need to succeed, and at the same time create substantial social value. Social value generated is attributed to partnering organisations.